Getting fit in 2021? Common workout mistakes we always make and how to fix these



Getting fit in 2021? Common workout mistakes we always make and how to fix these

Local fettle experts reveal the nine exercises they see people performing incorrectly and share tips on how to correct them. These include fundamental movements such as push-ups and lunges.

Getting fit in 2021? Common workout mistakes we always make and how to fix these

(Model: Darwin Ramirez. Photo: Kelvin Chia)

08 Jan 2022 06:30AM (Updated: 07 Aug 2022 09:49PM)

Kudos to you if you've resumed your workout routine. But in that location'south just one thing that can upend those efforts: Bad form.

We know the exercises feel tougher, the movements less smooth, and the temptation to cheat gets sweeter as more lactic acid accumulates in your muscles (that'due south the stuff that makes y'all experience sore and tired).

So instead of following through with the movement, you use momentum. Rather than keeping your core engaged, you relax everything. Maintain a directly line from the neck to the back? Own't nobody got energy for that past the last set.

And sometimes, the exercises aren't even complex ones but fundamental movements that yous may have been executing incorrectly all this time without realising. Or it could simply be the postal service-circuit breaker inertia that's contributing to the poor form.

What are these common mistakes to watch out for? CNA Lifestyle constitute out from the fitness experts.


Many people have been exercising to workout videos on YouTube and why not? Your coveted time slot at the gym could exist full, the videos are complimentary and you nonetheless go to keep active.

Fitness professional person Darwin Ramirez from Virgin Active agreed that these online workouts do have a role in inspiring people to stay active. Still, he highlighted that not everything you see is accurate and works for yous.

"People consume so much online content from the wrong sources," he said. "They become cues that are generalised just don't realise they don't work for anybody."


(Model: Darwin Ramirez; photograph: Kelvin Chia)

Common mistakes: Sinking into a squat with rounded shoulders. Tiptoeing and raising the heels when coming back up.

Consequences: Lower back pain , j oint pain in the knees/ankles, and spinal misalignment.

How to do information technology right:

ane. Stand with anxiety wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed slightly out. Agree kettlebell or dumbbell at chest.

2. Send hips back and bend knees to lower yourself as far as possible. Go on lower back neutral.


(Model: Darwin Ramirez; photo: Kelvin Chia)

Common mistakes: Bringing the kettlebell up with your bicep instead of pulling from the elbow . The other mistake is r otating through your hips and upper torso.

Consequences: Low dorsum injury.

How to do it right:

ane. Adopt a staggered stance with just the brawl of the dorsum human foot on the floor. Continue body most parallel to the floor. Rest not-working arm on a chair in front end of you.

2. Pull kettlebell upward by driving elbow to the ceiling. Control movement on the way down.


(Model: Darwin Ramirez; photo: Kelvin Chia)

Common mistakes: Rounding the shoulders and rigidly locking the elbows. Flaring out the elbows too far to the sides when coming downward.

Consequences: Due east lbow pain or tendonitis, musculus strain and shoulder injury.

How to exercise it right:

1. Position two seats with a gap just wide plenty to fit hips (if you lot're using chairs with backrests, place them confronting a wall for stability). Identify hands on corners of each chair closest to the body, with elbows directly.

2. Footstep out in front end with your feet and residuum only the heels on the floor.

3. Lower hips by bending elbows slowly to an angle that feels comfortable. Push up until elbows are almost locked out.


You're probably ready to have on more challenging workouts after spending weeks on basic exercises during the circuit breaker period.

Merely sometimes, you may miss out the finer points for more complex movements, which can lead to injuries.

"You're engaging more of your muscles and working them harder when you perform exercises that crave you to understand how to stabilise yourself, find your balance, and combine your upper and lower body power," said Thabata Da Costa Manso, a strength and conditioning good with Evolve MMA.

That is a lot of information to process merely that is exactly why "the effects are great", she said.


(Model: Hiro Yamada; photo: Kelvin Chia)

Common mistakes: Powering the momentum with the arms instead of the hips. Forgetting to rotate the wrist to forbid the kettlebell from striking.

Other mistakes include turning the move into a bicep ringlet by only utilising arm muscles.

Consequences: Lower back and elbow aches.

How to exercise it right:

1. Continue dorsum apartment and engage core muscles at all times.

2. Swing kettlebell back between legs to gain momentum and bulldoze the swing forward, bringing the kettlebell upwardly to shoulder meridian.

iii. As you lot straighten up with the upward momentum, go on elbow at 45 degrees and tucked in, while squeezing glutes.

4. Rotate wrist to stop the kettlebell on the shoulder.


(Model: Hiro Yamada; photo: Kelvin Chia)

Common mistakes: Not putting plenty power on the front end leg or losing stability. Over-extending the articulatio genus or arching the lower back tin besides cause imbalance.

Consequences: Human knee joint and ligament strain.

How to practise it right:

1. Stand with feet apart, then have a stride back and ensure stability. Keep back straight and cadre engaged.

ii. Bend knees to 90 degrees. Your weight should be evenly distributed on the lunge down, with more ability on your front leg as you button yourself back up.


(Model: Hiro Yamada; photo: Kelvin Chia)

Common mistakes: Not engaging the artillery, shoulders and core to agree your body in a plank position, resulting in the rounding or plummet of your lower back.

Or going likewise fast with the alternations. The key here is stabilisation while engaging the cadre and glutes.

Consequences: Soreness and joint tension in the cervix, shoulders and lower back.

How to practise it right:

1. Position hands parallel to one another, directly under shoulders. Marshal hips to shoulders. Keep neck and spine in a neutral position. Go on core and pelvic muscles engaged at all times to stabilise your torso.

2. Once stable, extend 1 arm and the contrary leg, elongating your body as far every bit possible.


Like any skills such as riding a bicycle, your exercise skills can as well get "rusty" if yous stop practising, said Leon Tan, a fettle instructor with Fitness First.

"If you lot've been doing basic body weight exercises at home, y'all probably can retain the skills. A lot of gym-goers come back a piffling rusty afterwards the circuit breaker," he said.


(Model: Leon Tan; photo: Kelvin Chia)

Mutual mistakes: Rounding the back.

Also, don't relax your back and flare out the elbows; instead, keep the elbows pointed at about 45 degrees.

Consequences: Shoulder joint stress.

How to do it right:

1. Get downward on all fours, placing easily slightly wider than shoulders. Keep dorsum tight past pulling back the shoulders.

2. Bend elbows to lower body until chest nearly touches the floor.

3. Pause, then push yourself dorsum up.


(Model: Leon Tan; photo: Kelvin Chia)

Common mistakes: Squatting instead of bending at the waist.

Another mistake is using your arms and shoulders to swing the kettlebell; yous can tell if you practice so when the kettlebell hangs downwardly at the top of the movement.

Consequences: Arm and shoulder strain.

How to practise it right:

1. Bend at waist, and engage core to maintain tight and flat back. Go along arms loose.

2. Power the up swing through hips to about shoulder height. Ensure artillery are not doing the lifting. Clasp glutes at the top of movement.

3. Let the momentum bring arms down to between the legs while even so keeping core engaged.


(Model: Leon Tan; photo: Kelvin Chia)

Mutual mistakes: Pushing the knees forrard instead of the hips. At the top of the movement, people besides tend to lean back likewise much instead of standing alpine.

Consequences: Lower back, articulatio genus and shoulder strain.

How to practise it right:

1. Concur barbell over shoulders while keeping chest tall and back tight.

two. Button back hips and curve knees in a half squat.

iii. Printing barbell straight overhead with arms by your ears and caput slightly forward.


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